Sunday, October 18, 2009

d 19th birthday~

14 Oct 2009 (wednesday)

finali i had reach 19yr old...
sumtime reali feel lik OLD oredi...
no more 18th yr old d SKy...
okok,should blog bout wat i did tat day..(keke)
after class at 4pm,meikwan n teni came my hostel...
not celebrate la,juz drink beer and chat...
recently i reali addicted v ALCOHOL..">"

teni leave early tat day and meikwan stay v me til 7sumth..
tat time,may yuen oso called me tat she had reach..
ykit brought her n me went to d Korean restaurant in Taipan..
(i hope to go quite long time oredi,hehe)
on d way,sumth 'bad' happened...(duno is whose fault oso)
wan jing n kenneth went themselves..
we kept ask d workers help us to take pictures..
tot they will not happy,but wrong lo...
they seem lik vry lik to take picture wor...hahahaxx

b4 they went home,they came my hostel and chat a while...
they oso say my room vry 'warm"..hehehe...
i reali lik to chat v them everytime...
can do/talk those 38 stuffs...wee wee~~~

16 oct 2009 (friday)

b4 reach pd frm subang,ice oredi sms me and wanna ask me go ABC...
ok lur,we went at 3sumth...
Vivienne oso join us ler...
long time din meet her oredi...
i think v onli meet once a yr la..hahaxx..
she stil pretty as usual...
but, she not talking much d..
same as loh n han yieng...
owaz juz listen ppl tok and den laugh onli..hahaxxx
yee wen n ice them got buy few pieces S.R cake celebrate my birthday o..
aiya,reali paiseh d la..
cuz i dun lik all ppl stare at me d...vry vry paiseh ar..
anyway,osos wan to thx them la~~