Sunday, August 30, 2009

we--d 38gang gathered AGAIN!!

nex week mid term important or d gathering for 38 gang important?
4 me,38 gang is more important la...
mid term?
important oso lur....
but can study anytime d ma...
while d time for us to gather is not as EASY anymore~~~
**sob sob**
luckily yesterday ah loh keep say wan go yamcha...
n ice finali change her mind to go oso...
d time to fecth them is 4pm...
b4 tat,i went h.yieng hse to print sumth..
mana tahu,late 15minutes to go fecth d 38 MEMBERS...
aiyo....actuali i reali wan go at d time wat v decide d...
but u noe la,SAFETY st ma...
have to drive slow...haha...
(lame excuse)...
promise nex time sure will ON TIME...
after pick up all of them den we went to buy KUIH,since i think of d kuih few days oredi...
after tat v off to old pasar for ABC n oso ate d kuih v bought...
reali everytime when v meet each other oso hv mny things to share v d lo...
even WE are in different coll n taking different course...
talk talk talk~~~
laugh laugh laugh...
vry SHUANG + enjoy....
ice kacang
d 38..
we plan to go sing-k n steamboat on 26SEP...
hope tis plan will WORK la wei...
tat time reali muz take more more PHOTO la...
so excited~~!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

im not sleepy??

it is 3.40 a.m now~~~
y i stil haven sleep???
nex week is mid term,i seem lik stil haven do anyth for it...
so,decide to complete ACC 100 lecture note onli can sleep....
lik tis onli can gv myself a EXPLAIN...
but i stil hv 1more chapter to go...
haizz...nid to wake up early to study b4 going pd la...
think lik dunwan bring so mny book bc...
cuz i noe i sure will not able to complete K it finish~~!!
when i think i can bc pd i vry HAPPY d wor...
cuz hor.......
wanna go buy kuih v frens n go hv a drink la...
since all of us oso got EXAM/TEST nex week...
but v oso nid a break wat....
plus all of us long time din go yamcha liao eh~~
so cham...
duno bz wat oso d lur...
time pass so fast...
juz lik 1month more din yamcha liao...
(if not mistaken la..hehe...)
h.yieng n me are still chatting in msn now...
cuz v said study til 3.30am den on9 chat again...
yes...we manage to make it...
manage to decline d call frm 'mr.zhou'...
hope when in PD later i oso can make it la...
(but....i noe it is IMPOSSIBLE!!)

ps:excited going out v 38gang~!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

the *ENJOY*

25 Aug 2009

the ENJOY```
after finish class at 2pm,den went REDBOX,pyramid v teni,hui mei n siew li...
b4 v sing-k,we went to GASOLINE had our lunch 1st...
(lik tis onli will hv energy to SHOUT...kekeke)
hui mei reali sing vry well...
her voice vry nice,especiali when she sing JJ Lim d song...
hmm....sing sing sing sing~~~
knock knock```
few ppl cum in n say they are doing servey....
they are finding ppl who can sing well at tat time...
they will having a small competition on tis SAT at I0I mall,puchong...
den ask us went to another room to test sing..
so we recommended HUi Mei to go...
represent our coll-METROPOLITAN..haha
finali,Hui Mei is accepted AND she will go to I0I tis SAt for semi-final...
v end up sing-k season at 6.30pm lik tat....
den hui mei n siew li bc their home...
me n teni went to Asia Cafe,cuz she say wan eat Ikan BAkar...
den i acc her lo...
yeeee~~~reach home oredi 8sumth lo...
so Tired~~

(last time i reali dun lik sing-k d...but duno y now wan go sing liao o)

ps:photo will upload will FREE
ps2:to u,i reali dunlik u...pls la dun owaz tok to me n disturb me!!!WTF~~~!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

L.O.N.G post

14 Aug 2009
=>The Curve

since long time din meet up v Vic n Yuki,so v had a small gathering in The Curve..
Vic n Yuki drove us thr frm Metro..
v having lunch in Just Dessert..
v tok alot?hm....
stil okla...not reali much oso...
but v took mny photos~~~kekeke
after lunch den v had a walk in Pet Safari...
thr reali hv alot of pet...
and also d things for pet to use...
if im rich,i will buy alot of thing frm thr...**dreaming**
go The Curve ofcuz nid to go DAISO oso la...
even at first nth to buy,but after go in d shop sure got thing can buy d la...
urmmmmm~~~~i spend rm40 thr....
i oso duno wat i bought...**evil smile**
when finish shopping,Vic drop me at d Rapid station cuz i nid bc pd....
(Vic,thx for brought us to The Curve) hahaha~~~

in pd,at nite went to visit d BB--xuan xuan,cuz long time din meet her oredi...
after tat went supper v cousin--jing xin...
Junko had call me frm JAPAN again...
v tok about d plan when she comes malaysia...

15 Aug 2009
=>celebrate h.yieng birth

after having dinner v family,den brought Zhao n Yieng to Coconut Groove...
drink again?yea...but oso got eat lo...
tis time juz 3 of us go,so juz order 'tequilla' n 'wine'...
suddenli plan to go Shi min's hse...
so b4 v go,v bought a 'slice' of cake for Yieng and blow d candle at shi min's hse..
went home at 12am sumth...
halfway met stupid police having ''block''....
he ask me show him ''lesen'' sumore..WTF~!!!

17 Aug 2009
=>movie + Neway

cuz on Saturday nite,yikt ask me find a day go singk...
so i ask him to go Subang v me n zhao,since he was in holiday...
v suppose to take bus to seremban at 9am...
but den~~~~~
d CRAZY mok wai kit duno do wat big business...
he make me n zhao wait him for 2hours more at 7-eleven thr...
yea...he did to tel us he will late...
but he din say a actual time...
WTH...reali SIEN d lo c him....
finali his mum brought us to KTM station,cuz she got sumth to do in seremban...
reach Subang oredi den v drop our thing in my hostel...
sudenli ykit ask wanna go his coll(T.O.A) ma...
hmm...oklo...cuz v din go b4 and v r not in a rush....
mayb is holiday time,so not mny ppl in d coll...
v can c mny nice nice d design hanging around d wall/corridor...
finish our visit in T.O.A , den v went to buy movie ticket...
forgot d movie name oredi,duno is Alien wat wat wat...hehehe
d movie is vry funny...not bad la...
after movie den ykit keep force us go singk...
cuz he said tmr(18 Aug) is his birth...
OMG....whr got ppl lik tis d...
sumore he keep call his frens go oso...
if v say dunwan go den he will use his 'evil' eyes stare at us...
and and and.....
pinch ppl d....more CRAZY than me...
cuz i din reali pinch,but he is different...
reali is 'beh ta han' him...
finali,me n zhao going singk oso lo...
*force by MOK WAI KIT* d....
among us are 8ppl...
all is T.O.A d,except me n zhao...
finish d singk season at 11.45pm...
den v all walked to my hostel,cuz ykit wanna take his bag...
while zhao sleep in my hostel and she bc pd d nex day...
tis is reali reali d 1st time i walked bc at midnite ler...
stil got alot ppl 'yamcha' at mamak...
hmmm....long time din YAMCHA v my 38gang liao eh...

pps:photo will upload ASAP

Thursday, August 13, 2009

d AUG...

its mid of AUG now...
and im in 1st yr degree...
reali cant blieve it rite?
since after bc frm 3months long holiday,i seem lik cant concentrate to study anymore...
hv to take few mimutes to read a sentence...
cham la`~~~
if continue lik tis,i sure will DIE...

well,yesterday was dad's birthday...
sry dad for cant celebrate v u on yesterday...
sure will ganti balik when i bc PD...**wink wink**
reali feel guilty to dad,cuz used him lots of money la...
yesterday i juz went to register d JAPANESE course....
he din say anyth,juz say depend myself see i wan to learn onot...

in future i sure earn alots of money and gv u bc d,dad....
wont let u work so hard when u old....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

d GOOD news~~~

i stil rmb,it was on tuesday morning in d class of Business Info System(in lab)....
as usual,when i open d computer...
1st,i sure check my mail...
woow,tats surprise...
a mail frm JUNKO-3rd host family d daughter with d subject of
"we will go MAlaysia!!"...
reali reali surprise...
here's wat she wrote in mail:

Hi!How are you?It's summer,very hot in Japan.Thank you for wating. I have good news...we(I,toshiko,masamitsu,keiko and yoshie who is keiko's daughter) are going to go to Malaysia in this September!(≧∇≦)The date will be 19th or 20th.we'll spend 3or4 nights in Malaysia.I will arrange for this trip from tomorrow.So, help me please.Where is the best city in Malaysia to meet us and stay?from Junko(o^∀^o)

woow,after read the mail i reali cant concentrate in class anymore...
keep think of them...
if they reali cum,wat should i do?
should i go along v them?
aiyo....reali excited to meet them up again...
WAITING for You all!!~~

Friday, August 7, 2009

the L.I.F.E

it is just start class 2 weeks...
seem lik cant get wat d lecturer teach ler...
they reali are juz teaching on themselves onli...
v reali cant get what they mean...
especiali d econ lecturer...
i think she is d worst...
in her lecturer,no ppl even noe wat she is teaching...
how can i continue lik tis?
tis year d tuition is 10k u know?
not a small amount...
i think i should study more HARDER by myself...
can i do it?
hmmpppp~~~~i duno...
i juz noe im vry lazy...
i miss d sleeping time during holiday!!!
well...2day i went to language center...
for wat???
ofcuz ask bout d learning japanese course...
d gal suggest me to take twice a week d...
bcuz can practice more...
now d problem is,i hv 4 subjects in tis sem...
if i take japanese course den i hv 5 subjects...
can i handle it?
should i take d japanese course?
should i try it?
who can tel me wat should i do?>.<

2day nite having a small BBQ at home...
juz invite tan's family d sibling cum over onli...
they are PEI WEN,PEI FEN and JIA SHENG...
i think i noe them in year 2006 d christmas,bcuz of dad's fren hosting JAPAN Y.E...
so we went out 2gether n den get know each other...
i duno y i reali lik to BBQ...
i oso lik to eat CRAB d ler...
2day,mum got cook crab...
but tmr will cook oso...
cuz aunt frm JB cuming bc n they wan to eat for a long time oredi... happy la.....
CRAB CRAB yummy~~~~

Monday, August 3, 2009

縱贯线之大马演唱会(Super Band live in M'sia)

leader讲EASON的是在SUNWAYSURF BEACH,所以是不用带人去座位的...