Friday, August 21, 2009

L.O.N.G post

14 Aug 2009
=>The Curve

since long time din meet up v Vic n Yuki,so v had a small gathering in The Curve..
Vic n Yuki drove us thr frm Metro..
v having lunch in Just Dessert..
v tok alot?hm....
stil okla...not reali much oso...
but v took mny photos~~~kekeke
after lunch den v had a walk in Pet Safari...
thr reali hv alot of pet...
and also d things for pet to use...
if im rich,i will buy alot of thing frm thr...**dreaming**
go The Curve ofcuz nid to go DAISO oso la...
even at first nth to buy,but after go in d shop sure got thing can buy d la...
urmmmmm~~~~i spend rm40 thr....
i oso duno wat i bought...**evil smile**
when finish shopping,Vic drop me at d Rapid station cuz i nid bc pd....
(Vic,thx for brought us to The Curve) hahaha~~~

in pd,at nite went to visit d BB--xuan xuan,cuz long time din meet her oredi...
after tat went supper v cousin--jing xin...
Junko had call me frm JAPAN again...
v tok about d plan when she comes malaysia...

15 Aug 2009
=>celebrate h.yieng birth

after having dinner v family,den brought Zhao n Yieng to Coconut Groove...
drink again?yea...but oso got eat lo...
tis time juz 3 of us go,so juz order 'tequilla' n 'wine'...
suddenli plan to go Shi min's hse...
so b4 v go,v bought a 'slice' of cake for Yieng and blow d candle at shi min's hse..
went home at 12am sumth...
halfway met stupid police having ''block''....
he ask me show him ''lesen'' sumore..WTF~!!!

17 Aug 2009
=>movie + Neway

cuz on Saturday nite,yikt ask me find a day go singk...
so i ask him to go Subang v me n zhao,since he was in holiday...
v suppose to take bus to seremban at 9am...
but den~~~~~
d CRAZY mok wai kit duno do wat big business...
he make me n zhao wait him for 2hours more at 7-eleven thr...
yea...he did to tel us he will late...
but he din say a actual time...
WTH...reali SIEN d lo c him....
finali his mum brought us to KTM station,cuz she got sumth to do in seremban...
reach Subang oredi den v drop our thing in my hostel...
sudenli ykit ask wanna go his coll(T.O.A) ma...
hmm...oklo...cuz v din go b4 and v r not in a rush....
mayb is holiday time,so not mny ppl in d coll...
v can c mny nice nice d design hanging around d wall/corridor...
finish our visit in T.O.A , den v went to buy movie ticket...
forgot d movie name oredi,duno is Alien wat wat wat...hehehe
d movie is vry funny...not bad la...
after movie den ykit keep force us go singk...
cuz he said tmr(18 Aug) is his birth...
OMG....whr got ppl lik tis d...
sumore he keep call his frens go oso...
if v say dunwan go den he will use his 'evil' eyes stare at us...
and and and.....
pinch ppl d....more CRAZY than me...
cuz i din reali pinch,but he is different...
reali is 'beh ta han' him...
finali,me n zhao going singk oso lo...
*force by MOK WAI KIT* d....
among us are 8ppl...
all is T.O.A d,except me n zhao...
finish d singk season at 11.45pm...
den v all walked to my hostel,cuz ykit wanna take his bag...
while zhao sleep in my hostel and she bc pd d nex day...
tis is reali reali d 1st time i walked bc at midnite ler...
stil got alot ppl 'yamcha' at mamak...
hmmm....long time din YAMCHA v my 38gang liao eh...

pps:photo will upload ASAP