Saturday, August 29, 2009

im not sleepy??

it is 3.40 a.m now~~~
y i stil haven sleep???
nex week is mid term,i seem lik stil haven do anyth for it...
so,decide to complete ACC 100 lecture note onli can sleep....
lik tis onli can gv myself a EXPLAIN...
but i stil hv 1more chapter to go...
haizz...nid to wake up early to study b4 going pd la...
think lik dunwan bring so mny book bc...
cuz i noe i sure will not able to complete K it finish~~!!
when i think i can bc pd i vry HAPPY d wor...
cuz hor.......
wanna go buy kuih v frens n go hv a drink la...
since all of us oso got EXAM/TEST nex week...
but v oso nid a break wat....
plus all of us long time din go yamcha liao eh~~
so cham...
duno bz wat oso d lur...
time pass so fast...
juz lik 1month more din yamcha liao...
(if not mistaken la..hehe...)
h.yieng n me are still chatting in msn now...
cuz v said study til 3.30am den on9 chat again...
yes...we manage to make it...
manage to decline d call frm 'mr.zhou'...
hope when in PD later i oso can make it la...
(but....i noe it is IMPOSSIBLE!!)

ps:excited going out v 38gang~!!