Friday, August 7, 2009

the L.I.F.E

it is just start class 2 weeks...
seem lik cant get wat d lecturer teach ler...
they reali are juz teaching on themselves onli...
v reali cant get what they mean...
especiali d econ lecturer...
i think she is d worst...
in her lecturer,no ppl even noe wat she is teaching...
how can i continue lik tis?
tis year d tuition is 10k u know?
not a small amount...
i think i should study more HARDER by myself...
can i do it?
hmmpppp~~~~i duno...
i juz noe im vry lazy...
i miss d sleeping time during holiday!!!
well...2day i went to language center...
for wat???
ofcuz ask bout d learning japanese course...
d gal suggest me to take twice a week d...
bcuz can practice more...
now d problem is,i hv 4 subjects in tis sem...
if i take japanese course den i hv 5 subjects...
can i handle it?
should i take d japanese course?
should i try it?
who can tel me wat should i do?>.<

2day nite having a small BBQ at home...
juz invite tan's family d sibling cum over onli...
they are PEI WEN,PEI FEN and JIA SHENG...
i think i noe them in year 2006 d christmas,bcuz of dad's fren hosting JAPAN Y.E...
so we went out 2gether n den get know each other...
i duno y i reali lik to BBQ...
i oso lik to eat CRAB d ler...
2day,mum got cook crab...
but tmr will cook oso...
cuz aunt frm JB cuming bc n they wan to eat for a long time oredi... happy la.....
CRAB CRAB yummy~~~~